Hi there! Looking for a pet insurance? 🔍

To choose the best insurance, you need to compare key concepts. Since there are so many options, we did the research for you 🧐:

To make sure you understand the “Excess”, we’ll show you an example comparing the best options for your pet 🐶


Imagine you have a €1,000 vet bill…

Petplan establishes a fixed excess of €45. This applies only once per illness or accident, not per visit to the vet.

The refund would be €955

SantéVet establishes both variable and fixed excess. The variable is 50, 30 or 10% of the amount of each bill or visit to the vet. The fixed copay is annual, €20, €40 or €100 depending on the insurance chosen.

The refund would be €480, €660 or €800

Mapfre establishes a variable excess of 20% of the amount of each bill or visit to the vet.

The refund would be €800

Liberty establishes a variable excess of 20% of the amount of each bill or visit to the vet.

The refund would be €800

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logo santevet - EXAMPLE OF COPAYMENT👇🏼


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If you want to recover your comparison chart, just clic here!Logo Huella SV HD - EXAMPLE OF COPAYMENT👇🏼


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