Name, breed and age of your dog

Name, breed and age of your dog

Accept LOPD

HOW TO BUY PET INSURANCE® makes it easy. Fill in a short form, compare quotes, choose and find the best deals. We help you find the right insurance for your pet without any extra cost. We advise you not to focus only on the cheaper policies, because they would cover fewer circumstances.

Fill in a quick form (only Pet's Breed & Age)

You only have to fill in your PET’S BREED & AGE. No other personal details such as email address or telephone number are required to obtain the information you need.

Compare Plans (Prices & Coverages)® helps you to compare plans. You will compare not only prices but also covers.

  • Sort the quotes by price, by level of coverage, by insurer, by excess.
  • Select different quotes and compare all their covers.
  • Share, print, download as pdf, save in My Account, if you need to review them later.
  • Access to Policies Terms & Conditions.

Choose the best deal

When you have obtained all the information about different plans, you will be ready to decide on the one which suits you best.

After this you can also contact us if you have any doubt, we will be happy to help you.

Fill in the rest of the data required

Your Pet’s details (microchip, assumptions about your dog’s health), your details (name, address...).

Online Purchasing & Secure payments

We offer you a Secure Payment Platform (PayPal & VISA). You can choose to pay for the policy by credit or debit card or your PayPal Account.

You will receive a confirmation email

Your application will be sent to the insurance company that will validate it. Then you will receive the pet insurance Policy and Terms & Conditions by email and also by post.


The policies require that the insured animal:

  • Be registered and bear the microchip identification number assigned to it
  • Be up to date with its official schedule of vaccinations
  • Be in perfect health, without any injuries or physical disabilities
  • Be kept as a pet or companion animal
  • Be more than 3 months old, or less than 9 years old.

If your pet has any different feature, please contact us and we will try to find the right insurance for your pet.

Liberty Seguros
Seguros Mapfre
Santa Lucía
Teckel (Dachshund)
Otras Razas
Yorkshire Terrier
Pago Paypal
Pago por tarjeta
Pago por tarjeta

Petplan Lider Mundial

Formas de pago

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